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1 year ago
The Determined
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Companions Master List?
I was wondering if there was a 'master list' anywhere where you could look up what Companions there are to collect, their stats, where to get them from, and what their 'passive', 'auto' and 'special' abilities are and what they do.
I've already come across Korvo's list (which is a great list and was very helpful), but I was wondering if there was anything more official or more detailed? Anything that might the last few questions I have which that list doesn't answer.

1 year ago
The Legion
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@Juju there is a list of all companions in the menu. If you click 'Den' and then select 'Companions' you get to the companion overview. I think it is by default only showing the ones you have actually played with before (and therefore have at least 1xp in their xp bar). But you can tick the box to show 'all' companions, including the ones you don't own.

It shows their stat, their rewards, their synergies and such. But sadly it won't show how to obtain them. It has been suggested before, though the question remains if (and if yes, when) it will be implemented. For now we have to make do with what the community makes, and I think one including locations doesn't exist yet.


1 year ago
The Determined
354 Achievements
General Rank 5
Arena Rank 5
Campaign Rank 3
Cooking Rank 4
Crafting Rank 3
Farming Rank 5
Fishing Rank 4
Hunting Rank 2
Mining Rank 5

Oh neat! Thank you!
You know, I did see that list but I don't know why I didn't make the connection that it had more information for me beyond just the companions I already had XD


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