Wolf #282102 - Nerys (lorwolf.com)
Wolf #283436 - Viola (lorwolf.com)
Wolf #287786 - Wendi (lorwolf.com)
Wolf #282102 - Nerys (lorwolf.com)
Wolf #283436 - Viola (lorwolf.com)
Wolf #287786 - Wendi (lorwolf.com)
No hits here. : ( Man they're being tricky to find.
Free Wolf Giveaway - Always open!
Art by the lovely Kazux
They always are and that's what makes it fun!
Nap, please forgive me for the work I'm about to make you do... I woke up in a cornfield the other morning and from what I can tell I must've been abducted by aliens. It looks like they used my phone to spam a bunch of kb hunts and go on a spending spree on fm. I don't know why but I might as well post em, y'know?
Wolf #288665 - Priscilla 288665 (lorwolf.com)
Wolf #288666 - Tammi 288666 (lorwolf.com)
Wolf #283235 - Maxwell (lorwolf.com)
Wolf #287838 - Ralph (lorwolf.com)
Wolf #287839 - Sabina (lorwolf.com)
Wolf #288079 - Lesley (lorwolf.com)
Wolf #288085 - Lacy (lorwolf.com)
Wolf #288821 - Minneapolis (lorwolf.com)
When it rains it pours https://www.lorwolf.com/Play/WolfDetails?id=288673
Sadly all misses! >.< Though I had a lot of fun looking at your new wws!
Free Wolf Giveaway - Always open!
Art by the lovely Kazux
Thank you! I scored some major booted treasures this week~<3
Hey @Nap ! I just caught this wolf and self-checked as a match on Jocol, can you take a look when you get a chance? n__n
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