Tension snaps as fish break the water’s surface with a resounding splash, a deft paw swifter than the clever eye claims its prize. Complete fishing activities this week to earn vouchers to spend in Koda’s weekly fishing event shop.
March 25th - 31st
Fishing Frenzy is one of the rotating weekly events. You can find out more about the weekly events, weekly shops and vouchers in thisguide here.
Happy fishing, Lorfolk!
In other news, all guppies can now be cooked! Thumbs' cookbook has expanded to include the new Guppy Chow recipe:
Guppy Chow
Famous across all of Loria, Thumbs' Guppy Chow recipe is irresistible and strangely addictive. No one knows what magic (or mischief) he mixes into it.
Restores 20 stamina.
Sells for 5
Farming Festival Weekly Event
Soil parts, sprouts surface and fields of lush crops blossom under the tender paw. Watch your lands become ripe for the picking and celebrate the bounties harvested. Complete any activities this week to earn tickets to spend in the Farming Festival’s weekly event shop.
March 18th - 24th
Farming Festival is one of the rotating weekly events. You can find out more about the weekly events, weekly shops and tickets in this guide here.
Looking for something to do with all of that freshly harvested corn? Thumbs' cookbook has expanded to include popcorn!
The perfect share-able snack.
Restores 40 stamina.
Sells for 5
Cooking Camp Weekly Event
Sweet smells drift from a warm campfire, steak sears and broth bubbles as we take shelter under the trees in the wild. Complete cooking activities this week to earn vouchers to spend in Thumbs’ weekly cooking event shop.
March 11th - 17th
Cooking Camp is one of the rotating weekly events. You can find out more about the weekly events, weekly shops and vouchers in thisguide here.
Happy Cooking Lorfolk!
Crafting Caravan Weekly Event
Yarn slowly unravels, fabric stitches together and metal is bent to shape, simple material becomes art under the careful paw. Complete crafting activities this week to earn vouchers to spend in Miss Mac’s weekly crafting event shop.
March 4th - 10th
Crafting Caravan is one of the rotating weekly events. You can find out more about the weekly events, weekly shops and vouchers in this guide here.
Happy crafting, Lorfolk!
New items have just landed in the Mole Market! Players can now purchase the following from Marvin:
Goldsea Seasonal Background
A background featuring the Goldsea Seasonal landscape.
Sells for 20K
Darkspine Seasonal Background
A background featuring the Darkspine Seasonal landscape.
Sells for 20K
Dawnsinger's Rest Background
A background featuring the Dawnsinger's Rest landscape.
Sells for 10K
Elaria Background
A background featuring the Elaria landscape.
Sells for 10K
Hollowfang Gorge Background
A background featuring the Hollowfang Gorge landscape.